The kaleidoscopic lives of Rosie and Carl Brauning...A place to see what we're doing, how we're doing and where we're doing stuff. Have a great day! Love, Us
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Holy smoking buckets and Highway 45 North, Batman!
When I left Albuquerque, I filled up the truck with gas at Diamond Shamrock service station at $3.49 per gallon. I thought that was a smoking hot deal! I felt even better about my purchase as Highway 40 East was showing signs of $3.79 and $3.89 fluctuating all the way to Dallas!
Here in the hopping metropolis of's a steal (pfftt) at $3.09
It's sad to think that's a good deal!!!!
We went to the Goodwill in Andover last night and stopped in Augusta on the way home to fill up. We were THRILLED to get it at $3.01!
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