Sunday, September 16, 2012

Tiny twerty twoo twoo

Ever since she was a little mini ninja in my belly, we have had lots of nicknames for Roslynne. One is: Twertle. She has recently started to explain to us, "No, dadda. No mama. Tur-tall." This might be awful to put in print but we say it the "right/wrong" way to get a kick out of purely messing with her. If you can't enjoy your children, why have them? Hahahaha. Roslynne started at Community Kids School in Cochran's Crossing in The Woodlands on Sept 4th. We chose this private Baptist school because it's small, kid/teacher ratio is low, and they are a dedicated school serving children 18 mos-5 years.
Her first day was September 4th. She is going 2 days a week, Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. I made sure that we went and toured a lot during their 1 month "Summer Program" so that Roz could get a good feel for it. She really loved it from the first day and wanted to play with all of the kids. She cried for about 10 minutes, didn't want to eat her lunch and failed to take a nap but I think that not eating lunch had to do with 2 things. 1. We had a large protein packed breakfast with bacon, eggs, toast and milk. 2. She was in a new environment. Miss Jessica (Her teacher) also noted that Roslynne is the youngest in her class and the only child that can say her 3 syllable name. I was awfully proud of that. Thank goodness for a diverse group of friends and lots or long names! When the kids laid down for a nap, most of them fell fast to sleep and when her teacher changed the kids sing-a-long dvd, Roslynne told her, "Thank you, Miss Jessica." I was quite proud of my polite tiny twerds. September 6th, 2012
Her 2nd day seemed to really excite her as we were leaving the house. I knew that she might be a little freaked out once we got to the school, as her memory would most likely serve her well and she knew that I would leave her there so we took a moment for a photo opt to be silly and have 3 minutes of fun!
Sitting at the table on her first day.
Miss Jessica said that this 2nd day, had been a good day. When we got to her classroom, Roslynne hollered and made a scene and grasped onto my body for dear life...It was reported that she calmed down in 10 minutes and really enjoyed herself. She ate all of her lunch and even took an hour nap at noon! Day Three: September 11, 2012
Roslynne: *Whining* "Mama, mama..." Rose: *Give Roslynne to Jessica* Roslynne: *whining some more* Jessica: "Hi Roslynne, what's wrong?' Roslynne: "I need uh baby" Jessica: "What baby do you want?" Roslynne: *Points* "That one." Rose: *no longer being acknowledged and left alone to a mild sadness* Day Four: September 13, 2012
Day four was a difficult day for me. She explained out by the truck that she didn't need to go into school. In fact, she said to me: "No school, mom. No Miss Jessica. No Miss Heather. Rozi's favorite color is pink." She was really piecing all of her sentences together to convince me that she didn't need to go in. HAHAHA
Once inside I put her at her desk and she didn't try to stay in my arms AT ALL. She sat down in her chair and said, "Mama, Mama, Mama." As soon as she was seated, Jessica asked her if she wanted a cracker, to which she replied, "Cracker? Did you say, cracker? Cracker please, Miss Jessica." So...I left. That was all she wrote... Roslynne has been saying 5 word sentences for the past few weeks but after only 4 days of pre-k, Roslynne can sing her ABC's, in exception of skipping MNO. Her version is: H,I,J,K,L...P... still cute. and instead of saying: Now I know my ABCs, she sings: Happy are we, know our ABCs. ********* I just finished my 29th lesson plan for Activity Days so I'm still uber stoked about my calling. I had some really awesome feedback and my friend, Elanor, who's daughter is in Senior Girls Activity Days, told me at church today that she adtually whipped out my before and after photos and gave her daughter a little lesson about outward appearances. That just MADE MY DAY! I can't wait to have our next meeting on the 26th about Inner and Outer grooming: Spirituality is a Thing of Beauty. GUNG HO SUPER STAR! I don't even know what that means but I really thought it out loud in my head. LOL. ********** Well, it's getting to be that time that I need to start the never ending process of laundry for the night so I'd better sign off. BUT REAL QUICK! We bought an annual membership to the Houston Zoo!! Here is our family picture to commemorate the awesome occasion! SO thankful to live in such a diverse city that offers many opportunities to spend quality time as a family <3

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

New Calling and I LOVE IT!

So.... I recieved a new calling at church to be the Activity Days Leader for 8-9 year old girls (Kind of like Girl Scouts). I am SO excited. I planned 29 activities, including lesson plans with checkists and shopping lists! LOL. I'm even MORE excited that I will be working with two of my favoritest people in the entire universe: Yuki S. and Kate C. I've looked up a lot of different activities and tweaked some things too. Hopefully posting my lesson plans will help someone else with activity days and ALSO hope with my journaling/blogging. Looking back, I took time to write a lot and it's a great way to keep people in the know, as well as, for future reference... Instant gratification has kept me from blogging. I plan to copy and past this into the facebook group for the parents and will probably share some of the funnier pictures from activities on my wall (With parental consent of course) but I decided to make the valiant effort at updating all three. You'll have to excuse the typos and grammatical errors. I have found, now that I'm 30...yep, I admitted it, that it's not about how grande the final outcome is, it's about the offer itself. (Learned that while visiting teaching. LOL)So here it is, raw, and tweaked from Tonight:
Health and Grooming (FiG pg.11,3): Talk to girls about keeping their bodies clean and what it can be like if we don’t. Lesson: Have Yuki introduce Rose as new leader. Rose will be dressed down and look dirty with messy hair. Yuki acts like Rose smells and has bad breath, among other things. Yuki asks Rose when the last time she showered was, did she brush her teeth this morning, and when did she change her clothes last. Then Yuki hands Rose a mirror and asks if she looked at herself before leaving this morning. After Rose says no Yuki tells her that she might want to go take a look at her appearance in the bathroom and hands Rose her bag. Rose changes and comes back. Ask the girls what they noticed about Rose's BEFORE appearance and discuss the feelings the girls had when meeting their new leader while she was disheveled and how they felt when she came back clean and put together. HAVE A SNACK while Rose gets changed. Pass around a basket with the following items in it: Deodorant, loofah, soap, washcloth, lip gloss, hand sanitizer, shampoo, conditioner, headband, tissues, toothbrush, gum, lotion and a flower for hair and a comb. Each girl picks out 2 items and we discuss what those items are and why and when we use it. ACTIVITY After discussion, have manicures!

Monday, August 27, 2012 this thing on?

Now that facebook has taken over my life with easy posting and status updates...I've completely ignored my blog. I remember when I used to just start itchin' from the kitchen to write something and here I am working part time from home and not making the time to write something interesting. Hmmmm....Well, enough is enough! I promise to write more tomorrow. G'night all!