Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The first cut is the deepest

(Special thanks to Sheryl Crow for her soundtrack to this post!)

I was carrying a notepad into the key room at work and had 4 keys balanced on top of the bright yellow legal pad. When I reached for the 5th key, I dropped it and while trying to catch it: I braised my hand on the edge and managed to slice open my pinky knuckle in 3 different spots. OWIE!

Then I flashed back to 1995, Winfield Public Library, 7th grade....

Beth and I were researching something or another for a class project but we were truly more interested in talking with Bob and reading Seventeen magazines... lol.

I saw an ad for perfume and pulled the flap back to get a whiff. ONLY YOURS TRULY has the ability to run her nose across the page to cut her nose and get a perfume sample in the wound. *FLINCH* It still hurts. Now I'm off to the restroom to see if I have a scar under my nose... I never did look.

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