Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Better than Lemon filled!

Carl just called. He made call.

He got his NCCER jourenyman's license last week. He still needs 3,000 hours on the job before he can test for his National Journeyman's License. He called to a job in San Anotnio. They told him they wanted both NCCER and National certified. He started his drive to Wyoming. 1 hour away from Dallas, he was prompted to call the hiring manager again for the San Antonio Job...He said, "I know you've heard this before but hear me out. If you don't have any place for me at all, I'm going to continue to drive to Wyoming but if you hire me, I won't do yo wrong." The HM asked Carl 3 qualifying questions and then said, "See you tomorrow at 7:00a.m."

YAY!!! Take THAT Rod's Donuts...in yer face! Uh! Hahahahaha...Now he will only be 2 hours away instead of 22 hours away. Rosie is happy smiles!


Theresa said...

Now all I can think about is how badly I really want a lemon filled donut. Nothing will ease this pain now, nothing but a lemon filled donut. And where in the hell am I supposed to get one of those at 3:30 in Winfield? NOWHERE! I am doomed to suffer.

Beth said...

ROSE THIS IS GREAT NEWS! Will Carl be able to come home on the weekends? I'm glad you two won't be quite so far away from each other. :)

Mary Jane said...

Thank Goodness! I am happy for you Rose! You & Carl are great we love you so very much.