Saturday, May 30, 2009

Stray dogs

I woke with a startle aroung 11:00 p.m. (Boscoe rarely barks but when he does, you're awake and alert) I got out of bed and threw on my robe. There he was standing guard and grumbling through the door window. I didn't see anyone out there so I sat on the sofa in the dark for a little while to see if he'd bark so I could catch someone out there but I fell asleep and went back to bed. That trusty guard dog would not come back to bed even if I begged him too. Around Midnight, he barked again. Kinda mean and scarey sounding so I jumped up and ran t the front door to see 4 puppies digging in the neighborbs trash accrossed the street from us. They were seriously cute but still ruining me rest. Animal Control probaly isn't 24 hours here and I didn't want to roam the streets trying to catch dogs so I said a little prayer and slept until 9:30 a.m. Saturday morning :)

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