The kaleidoscopic lives of Rosie and Carl Brauning...A place to see what we're doing, how we're doing and where we're doing stuff. Have a great day! Love, Us
Friday, July 10, 2009
Holy COW
Dress like a cow...get a free Chick-fil-A meal day. Xan and I decided to spend the evening putting on cow spots & ears before enjoying her Deluxe Chicken Sandwich Meal and my 12pc Nuggets Meal. $13.00 worth of food, quality entertainment with my friend and looking totally cute while doing it? SCORE!
Awesome. :) My worst fear is that I show up to the restaurant dressed like a cow and only to find out that the whole dressing up like a cow bit and getting a free meal is just a rumor.
So much fun! Hopefully next year I can get in on the fun too!
Awesome. :) My worst fear is that I show up to the restaurant dressed like a cow and only to find out that the whole dressing up like a cow bit and getting a free meal is just a rumor.
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