Sunday, August 24, 2008

Half of #72...again

Holy Crap! Can we say severely addicted?!

I have read the entire Eclipse novel today…I might add it was brilliant! Not better than Twilight, but a tad more titillating than New Moon.


I can’t WAIT to start on the last book, they’ve moved up the date for the movie an entire MONTH! YAY!!!! I can't wait!

Harry Potter is pushing back it’s release to next year so they’re not overthrown at the box office…..That was the rumor I heard, sad for them, happy for the Twilight fans!


Theresa said...

I am obsessed with these books! Glad to find another fellow fan! :)

Kim said...

I'm going to have to jump on the bandwagon. I know too many people that are obsessed with this series!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Rose, who is this immature and psychotic Katie who posted the above comment? Even though her thoughts are abbreviated and somewhat sketchy, she seems to be involved with FICTION in an unhealthy and psychologically detrimental way. I personally wonder how reading "The Twilight Series" could possibly be taking away from who the said "Katie" IS?
Interesting that her blog is blocked when "who she is" seems to be first and foremost in her mind.

I personally never got past page #9 in the first Harry Potter book, but I have thoroughly enjoyed the Twilight Series.
Might I also add that I am delighted that J.K. Rowling has received her fair share of readership and so many people have found a writer whose works they can enjoy and relate to.
I am equally delighted for the success of Stephenie Meyer and for her ardent readership. It's simply great to be able to enjoy a good book.

These two series of fiction contribute to the world of literature by presenting two entirely different themes by two uniquely different authors. I don't think Stephenie Meyer had any intention of competing with J.K.Rowling on any level and to construe that these works of fiction are designed as a battle of Vampires versus the Potter kids, indicates to me that the person making such an inference is most likely emotionally immature,psychologically unbalanced as well as somewhat moronic.
A juxtaposition of characters or themes, as Katie suggests there is, between these two series would undeniably fall flat on it's face.

Perhaps that is Katie fear. When in her deluded mind her 'Potter' identity is taken away. She's right, there won't be much left. When who you are is based on being a fictitious character and that character is defeated or lost, most likely there is nothing REAL to replace it with. I guess her best bet is to go through life as if wearing a cloak of invisibility.
That way she can spare the rest of society her psychotic rantings.

Katie said...

Hello Sue, I am Katie.
I have been going through the worst time in my life lately. Not because of twilight but because I have some sort of emotion disorder. I read 2 of the Twilight books (the first two) and they made me depressed, angry, and bored. The only thing that keeps me from jumping off my roof (which I like to go on) is the fact I know I love the Harry Potter books. You should consider them because the deeper meaning changed my life. I am sorry you think I am crazy. By the way, not that this matters to you, but you deeply hurt my feelings with that post. I apologize if I hurt your feelings.

Katie said...

Again Sue,
I'm highly mature, thank you very much. I don't RANT. My whole self isn't Harry Potter itself, but it stands for exactly what I stand for. Let me inform you what Harry Potter stands for.
1. Love
2. Racism is idiotic.
3. No matter what, they love each other so much they will resist whatever cruel thing it will put them through.
I'm not psychotic thank you very much, either. Maybe if you actually knew who I am you might just understand. I am getting very depressed and suicidal, I would like it please if you would not push me to the edge calling me crazy, which I have been called before. I'm not crazy and I therefor warn you that if you go around calling opinionated people crazy you may not be very nice. I am sorry to say that I dislike you strongly. I'm not emotional immature but you have no idea what Harry Potter stands for, since you haven't given the book's first chapter even a chance, I tried reading twilight. It made me angry. Please shut up and do not cross me again or I must say I am going to have to have to have a blog fight with you on this website. So shut up and watch please who you're calling crazy because I think you're just too afraid to admit that I'm right. B*tch.

Katie said...

I love Harry Potter so shut up because I'm so depressed my love for it is the only love I have that actually is returned.

Anonymous said...

Dear Katie Karcher
Bainbridge (Camano Island) Wa.

Sorry about your 'emotion disorder'
Get well soon ...and I hope that have you have a better tomorrow.

Watch out for Vampires up there in WA

Katie said...

Thanks, I hope so too. I'm sorry we disagree. Harry Potter is keeping me going, I'm not sure who I am right now, the only thing I'm sure about is that Harry Potter has the right idea. The idea of love. I'm very very sorry about all the things I have said. I wish I could take them back. Apology accepted?
P.S. I won't worry about the vampires too much considering I am one. By the way I'm not some weird adult. I was actually born in 1998. I wasn't supposed to say that but.... Well thanks. Bye.